MeArm Blog

Single Sided PCB Arduino Clones

Now those that know phenoptix board will know it's an obsession of mine to avoid vias. Single sided is best but I can rarely achieve it. The first version of...

Single Sided PCB Arduino Clones

Now those that know phenoptix board will know it's an obsession of mine to avoid vias. Single sided is best but I can rarely achieve it. The first version of...

Open Source Furniture from Make

This morning's reading of the entire internet threw up this great article from Make on Open Source furniture. The article has some stunning furniture and is well worth a read. I'm...

Open Source Furniture from Make

This morning's reading of the entire internet threw up this great article from Make on Open Source furniture. The article has some stunning furniture and is well worth a read. I'm...

New Products for Mid March!

We've just got in a bunch of new products, and they can all be found here on our New Products section. Most of them are requests from customers, so we...

New Products for Mid March!

We've just got in a bunch of new products, and they can all be found here on our New Products section. Most of them are requests from customers, so we...

Adam Savage's SXSW 2014 Keynote: Art and Techno...

Adam Savage is awesome. Myth Busters is fantastic and you should all watch the Tested Youtube channel. Why do I think all of these things. This is an example of...

Adam Savage's SXSW 2014 Keynote: Art and Techno...

Adam Savage is awesome. Myth Busters is fantastic and you should all watch the Tested Youtube channel. Why do I think all of these things. This is an example of...

Hackaday Projects goes live to the public!

Having been one of the fortunate few to have had a sneak peek at the late closed Alpha of Hackaday Projects I would say it's definitely a website to visit...

Hackaday Projects goes live to the public!

Having been one of the fortunate few to have had a sneak peek at the late closed Alpha of Hackaday Projects I would say it's definitely a website to visit...

The Star in a Jar - by Jamie aged 13

This thirteen year old, Jamie Edwards, is looking very happy with himself as he's just become the youngest person in the world to carry out nuclear fusion. From his school...

The Star in a Jar - by Jamie aged 13

This thirteen year old, Jamie Edwards, is looking very happy with himself as he's just become the youngest person in the world to carry out nuclear fusion. From his school...