More on the Cambridge Pi Jam

Now that the dust is settling it seems that other participants (and organisers) are getting together their thoughts and media on the 5th Cambridge Raspberry Pi Jam which took place on Saturday the 8th of February 2014. Youtube videos and blogs are popping up all over the place and frankly I'd like to watch and read them all! I'll try and keep them together on this post so it may evolve over the next week (or day).

First up is this funky short from Michael Horne (aka Recantha) just look out for flashing lights and you'll spot us!


Next up we see the whole day pan out right from set up. We're top middle right, you'll see the flashing lights switch on at about 30 seconds in. It was a really great day, seeing crammed into 6 minutes is quite fun.

Last up we have charwarz blog who sums up why she didn't by a Cylon kit. If only she'd known that it would have taught her about Charlieplexing as well as being the ocular display of a robot killing machine...

I may be repeating myself in saying the Raspberry Pi Jam was great. You should see if there's one near you. Check out the PiJam uberwebsite for details! I'm looking forward to seeing more reports as the week rolls by as well as catching up on all the cool stuff I missed whilst manning the stall via the PiJam Youtube channel

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